- Part 1
In the days of the mid 1800s conventional warfare differed in today's external surface.Due to the consolidation of troops it was fit proper to appoint to them a captain.The most feared men of Greece in the days where imperil lie rampant in establishing governmental authority.Many historians believe the there where only 38 captains.But later evidence showed that there was 28 only with 300 men.They where a very small force able to reinstate force against an enemy far expanse than themselves as a army.These where not klepht forces.These very troops and captains not only where led into battle as an army but had precedence over the complete battlefield.The culmination of this art of war has changed the way masses views can be viewed into response and capability.Grace an beliefs in pre luck of angles and territories an passage of such systematic response of attack an accomplishment.Does this play into a broader picture indeed.The eventual migration a constant frequency of hearachal downturn from the beginning stages of independence war.On soldier standing behind on another.What was the pro Russian resistance merit.For Greece to remove the ruthless removal of lament part of history an reform the strategic model of influence of Europe and maybe the world.But this as yet to happen yet in its manifestation.Some to formation where called and union military function in success.But the inability of turkey show show favoritism to Greece's Military expansion was left without a point of direction.Singularities could have been used as a psychological reference.After all turkey is split in4 and Greece 2.The more the aggression the less the enemy had to fight a superior notion with the ability to creates a reference by infiltration amid coersion.This has given Greece to psychologically diplomatic silence treason counter treason revolution counter revolution..Landing and forming union an not being concealed in battle has had its opponents n Greece which i will contemplate non complexities and complexities later.Worth that guides you as a citizen with a better understanding of the situation landmarks hallmark.Steel bringing amongst the ranks bringing in from the US to Turkey was a big industry during the ottoman period disrupting its lines of transportation another Resent had risen amongst its ranks to last 5 generation forward or so.